Featuring ex-members of Psalters and sounding like the Trees Community fed on a diet of Modest Mouse and Neutral Milk Hotel with the occasional guttaral crust bellow. This album takes it's lyrical inspiration from the Book of Ecclesiastes, the writings of Jacques Ellul, William Blake and Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man.
1. The Hours
2. Moonlight and Fog 1
3. Grasping the Wind
4. Who's the Cowboy Now
5. New Moon
6. When the Rain Comes
7. Wild Fire
8. Moonlight and Fog 2
9. Dare!
10. Moon and Fire
11. Fields of Green
12. Come Thou Warrior In Soul Thou Poet In Deed At 12:17 We Shall Believe
13. In The Moonlight and Fog/Amidst This Apocalyptic Twilight
and track 14 is a bonus Untitled track from another session.

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